My Rules for Walking

I’m sure most of you did not know my morning walks involve rules; they do. I'm not sure how they developed but over time they became ingrained in every walk. 

Rule 1. I must find a picture of something beautiful or meaningful. Somedays this is extremely easy and other days I find it more difficult. It depends mostly on the location and the light. Morning and evening light provide warmer colors. For example, a sunrise or sunset on the beach is super easy! Walking down Southside Boulevard, not so much. Regardless, the image has to be beautiful or meaningful. 

Rule 2. I can only post one picture each morning. Most days I will take 8-12 pictures and then choose the best and post it. On rare occasions, I may post a couple, but the rule stands at one per walk. Posting in Stories does not have to follow the rule.

Rule 3. I have to say something positive. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I would like to say for the day Think of it like this, If I could say one thing to a group of people when they first wake up and my goal was to make their day a little better, what would it be? I look for inspiration everywhere. Sometimes it comes from struggles I am going through, sometimes through music or books, and other times it is just what’s on my heart at the moment. I also use quotes from others, If I use them, and hopefully I give credit where credit is due. 

Rule 4. The picture has to be made with my iPhone and posted before my walk is completed. The picture can not be staged and filters are never allowed.  I will add a little saturation to make the picture “pop”.

Rule 5. It is posted on Social Media. I know that this seems like a given. However, I have found that social media can do more harm than good. I personally know of families and friends that have been divided because of a simple post. I do not judge or do politics. If you have a picture of a puppy then I will like it. 

I would like to say I do these things to make the world a little better than I left it but that’s not true. I do it for me! When the first task of the day is to say something nice and find something pretty... well, the rest of the day falls into place on its own. If you benefit from it, that's a bonus. It's all about the perspective: you will find what you’re looking for, be it positive or negative. Look for something pretty and you will find it. Look for everything wrong in the world and you will find that too. No judgment though, you look for what you need to make your life a little better. I did:)


Rusty Gardner

Rusty Gardner is the Excitive Director of Academic Technology at Florida State College in Jacksonville and a Co-Owner of Jacksonville Marine and Bluewater Marine. Despite having two full-time jobs, he will say he feels like he's retired. That can happen if you love your work. Rusty has many fulfilling relationships in his life; for this, he is incredibly thankful.

Walking Enhancer 1