This is What I Believe…

Around the age of 50, I decided to write down a few things I believed about life. Since that time, I have revisited the list each year (around my birthday) to add or take away items if my perspective has changed. I hope over the years, my boys and my grandchildren will find it helpful when looking for direction. I always like the idea that we need to leave the world a little better than we found it. This is my attempt.

  • Do what you love

  • Your job is not your life, It just helps you enjoy it.

  • The older you get, the faster time goes by.

  • Pretty girls are always nice to look at.

  • If your lover is also your best friend…you win!

  • Happiness is a choice.

  • It’s OK to hug people.

  • Don’t hold grudges; they only hurt you.

  • Stay away from negative people!

  • If you don’t try to make the world a little better, then why are you here?

  • Your credit score is important

  • Smartphones have a tendency to take over your life.

  • It takes A LOT longer to recover from a hanger over the older you get

  • You really should take a few risks in life.

  • I will never be President, even though my mom said I could.

  • Say I love you to people you care about.

  • Smile

  • Give Hugs

  • Everyone has a freaky side, no matter how hard they try to hide it.

  • Pay a little more and get what you want.

  • Not everyone will like you.

  • Girls prefer a sense of humor and confidence over looks

  • Sex will always be important…just not the most important

  • It’s ok to cry if you're sad

  • The older you get, the less patience you have for stupidity and incompetence.

  • If you let someone borrow money, never expect to get it back. Consider it a gift.

  • You will miss your kids when they leave home more than you can imagine.

  • It really is all about perspective

  • No one wants to follow a pessimist

  • at some point in life; you can see the end, and you need to embrace it.

  • A good walk can clear your mind. 

  • God is real and believes in you even when you don’t believe in him.