There is Something About Water

I’m not sure want it is, but I have always been drawn to the water. My mom states that as a child, I would seek a fountain at the local mall and most times find a way to fall in. She always carried a change of clothes for me just in case. I assume there are obvious reasons, such as I am an Aquaris or the fact that Blue is my favorite color. However, I am sure that it goes much deeper than that. The lack of water or the abunabundance of it can both kill us yet we must have it to live. Just to be in it, on it, or near can produce a calming effect that is not matched by any other element. (side note water is actually a compound, but element sounded better) To highlight the importance of the resource, I have taken the liberty to borrow a few bits of information from an article by Wallace J Nicholos entitled “Why our Brains Love the Ocean.” Nicholos writes...

Water covers more than 70 percent of Earth’s surface; 95 percent of those waters have yet to be explored. 80 percent of the world’s population lives within sixty miles of the coastline of an ocean, lake, or river. Over half a billion people owe their livelihoods directly to water, and two-thirds of the global economy is derived from activities that involve water in some form. When we’re born, our bodies are approximately 78 percent water. As we age, that number drops to below 60 percent — but the brain continues to be made of 80 percent water. The human body as a whole is almost the same density as water, which allows us to float.

If you follow my walks, you will note that the majority of my image is related to water. Whenever I travel to a new town, I search for access to the ocean, lake or river. I have even gone as far as to capture images of a retention pond because it was the only water around. For each of us we need to discover that thing or place that brings up peace. The place we can go to make things right when things are wrong. For me, it’s the water. Where is it for you? 

Rusty Gardner

Rusty Gardner is the Excitive Director of Academic Technology at Florida State College in Jacksonville and a Co-Owner of Jacksonville Marine and Bluewater Marine. Despite having two full-time jobs, he will say he feels like he's retired. That can happen if you love your work. Rusty has many fulfilling relationships in his life; for this, he is incredibly thankful.

Some Days Just Suck


The same place is not the same place