Some Days Just Suck

I find it hard to explain, but not every day is a good day. Despite my best efforts, some days tend to suck the life right out of you. From the moment you open your eyes in the morning, you know that something is off. Take yesterday, for example. I did everything right. I got up early, went on a longer walk than usual, listened to my Discovery Weekly playlist on Spotify, took a picture, and posted it. I even went as far as to post something for motivational Monday to get the week started on the right foot: However, throughout my walk, I found myself fighting negative feelings because of something, or should I say, someone that was bothering me. I would try to clear my mind and refocus, but the negative energy kept coming back in.

I finished the walk and tried to stay positive. Regardless, the day just kept getting worse. What the hell? It seemed as if every event pushed me a little deeper into the black hole. I'm not exactly sure what I felt; maybe it was hurt, disappointment, or old fashion anger. I actually knew "who" was the root cause, and I knew that their actions were no big deal in the grand scheme of life. In other words, the world would not end, and I should get over it. But, deep down, I just wanted to be pissed off, and I was going to milk it for everything it was worth. I didn't want to be happy, and I couldn't sell Sunshine and Butterflies to a hippy at Woodstock, nor did I want to. So I was really glad when it was time for bed. My loved ones express the same sentiment. 

I tend to write a good bit about happiness and walk around like the main character in a Disney Movie. But, the truth is, despite our best efforts and doing everything right, we will have bad days. Life Happens, and it is not always pleasant. Of course, we can change our perspective, but the voices in our head will do everything in their power to poke holes in any strands of happiness that are holding on for survival.

So here is my advice if you require a bad day.

  1. Own it. Events or people around you may be adding to it, but in reality, it's your interpretation of these actions that allow you to enjoy the anger. This is how we justify our feelings.

  2. . Acknowledge it. If this day is not going well, let those around you know. This will be the last thing you want to do, but it's essential. Remember that they will want to help or fix it, which will only make it worse. Just tell them you would like to enjoy your lousy day and to leave you's not them., it's you.

  3. Stay to yourself. No one wants to participate in your pity party. I know misery loves company, but let it go.

  4. Take a walk. Not many things can go wrong with a walk, and it will give you ample time to process what is bothering you or at least allow you to feel sorry for yourself in private. Hopefully, it will rain and complete your day:)

  5. Resist the desire to lash out. If the root cause of your tension is a person, then your tendency is to give them a piece of your mind and put them in their place. Not a good idea unless you're a reality TV star, then it's an excellent idea. There is a reason you are told not to send an email when you're angry. Process the information and wait until you have better clarity and attitude before confronting the situation.

It is essential to say that we all have bad days, which is part of life. But when a bad day turns into a bad week, month or year, you have something else going on, and I strongly suggest you seek professional help. Life to short not to enjoy it. 


Rusty Gardner

Rusty Gardner is the Excitive Director of Academic Technology at Florida State College in Jacksonville and a Co-Owner of Jacksonville Marine and Bluewater Marine. Despite having two full-time jobs, he will say he feels like he's retired. That can happen if you love your work. Rusty has many fulfilling relationships in his life; for this, he is incredibly thankful.

"Everything in life is vibration." –Albert Einstein.


There is Something About Water