"Everything in life is vibration." –Albert Einstein.

When I first started researching this whole happiness thing, a friend recommended I read the book "Your a Badass" by Jen Sentarrio. I found myself intrigued by the concepts until I reached Chapter Two, "The G Word." In this chapter, she states, "Wherever you happen to stand on the God issue, let me just say that this whole improving your life thing is going to be a lot easier if you have an open mind about it. Call it whatever you want— God, Goddess, The Big Guy, The Universe, Source Energy, Higher Power, The Grand Poobah, gut, intuition, Spirit, The Force, The Zone, The Lord, The Vortex, The Mother Lode—it doesn't matter. Personally, I find the God word to be a tad too loaded, I prefer Source Energy," 

After reading that statement, I put the book down and moved on, hoping I wouldn't get stuck by lighting or go blind by having read those words. Calling God anything but God is about as close to blasphemy as you can get. Right?

You must understand who I am to know why I reacted this way. I am a Southern Baptist from birth and by choice. I know and understand the doctrine. My dad was a full-time Pastor for 60 Years. I attended the Southern Baptist Convention for most of my childhood. I went to a Baptist College and then to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a Master in Religious Education. I served in 4 Churches as a full-time Minister of Youth, covering a span of 15 years. So, to have a book change the name of God to"Source Energy" was a little much for me; however, as an educated individual, I also know keeping an open mind and examining new ideas without getting hung up on terminology is a healthy thing to do. I once had a professor who said, "He who has never really questioned has never really believed". I owed it to myself to reopen the book and reexamine the concept. I was a little apprehensive because I knew as a professor myself that any time a person's ideas or beliefs are challenged, you must either change your beliefs or prove the opposing idea false. Not to do so is considered closed-minded. 

The 2nd time reading Chapter 2, I discovered the following concept. Vibration attracts similar vibrations. Otherwise known as "The Law of Attraction," the basic idea is: Focus on that which makes you feel good, and ye shall find (attract) that which makes you feel good. We're all attracting energy to ourselves all the time, whether we realize it or not. And when we're vibrating at a low Frequency (feeling pessimistic, needy, victimized, jealous, shameful, worried, convinced we are ugly) yet expect high frequency, awesome things and experiences to come into our lives, we are often disappointed. You need to raise your Frequency to match the vibration of the one you want to tune into." This is how we manifest the things that we would like to have in our life. 

For the first time, so many things came into focus and started to make sense. Many self-help books apply this principle. For example, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and others are based on this concept. Please do not misunderstand what I am trying to say; the Power of Positive Thinking is not a biblical doctrine. However, it is a concept that has extreme value, and I feel similarities can be found in biblical teaching. The concept of Frequency and Vibrations make it easy to visualize the concept and also makes you sound very cool when you're telling others about it. If you want the good things in your life, then raise your Frequency, and you will attract them. I vibrate at a high Frequency, and I attract good things. I see this principle played out in my life daily. Others see it too because I point it out (#rustylife). I truly believe in this principle; but, is it true? The short answer is, who cares? 

The idea is much simpler than Frequency and Vibrations, although these concepts make it easier for us to visualize and connect the dots. A simpler version of the above theory is that you tend to find what you focus on. My goal in life was to be able to do what I wanted to and when I wanted to do it. That is my definition of happiness. I created this life for myself by being drawn to occupations and opportunities that will help me achieve this goal, many times at a subconscious level. It wasn't until my later years that I knew this is what I always wanted. I have a business partner that is drawn to money. His focus each day is on how to make more money. Is he successful? Of course. Look at it in this light; I often make a statement that lights turn green for me because I'm Rusty, and I am living the #rustylife. I'm sure the light turns green for me at the same Frequency as everyone else. However, I only notice when they turn green. Others may only see the red lights. Simply stated, you will focus on what you believe to be true. 

If this is a little too much for you, you may want to consider the concept of prayer (still a minister at heart). Prayer works off of the same principle. When we pray, we are focusing on something. If it happens, we notice it because we pray for it. Another college professor was giving a lecture (Baptist College) and we were discussing the idea of prayer. I asked, "When we pray, are we speaking to God or to ourselves? His reply was, what difference does it make if it works. I think we can argue that prayer raises our Frequency and invokes the power of positive thinking. Prayer only works if you believe or pray in faith. I know that it works and whether we are talking to ourselves or God, the outcome may be the same. In my mind, this is exactly how God designed it to work. I give God credit and we get the benefit. Matthew 7: 7-8 states, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened.” This simple verse raises our Frequency, so we vibrate at a higher level, and things that we want in life are manifested to us. 

After contemplating the idea of Energy, Frequency, Vibrations, and the Universe, I decided to discuss it with Caleb (my adult son) during a morning walk. I will never forget his response. “Dad, I feel like we are one conversation from you telling me you're smoking weed." I decided to wait before I told him about the Medical Marijuana Card. :)  

Here are a few ways to raise your Frequency to get you started.

1. Go for a walk

2. Do something nice for someone and expect nothing in return

3. Forgive someone who has wronged you

4. Forgive a debt that someone owes you

5. Meditate

6. Be genuinely thankful for each day you are given

7. Give hugs

8. Listen to music that elevates your mood

9. Surround yourself with beauty

10. Be kind

If you haven't read the book, You’re a Badass" by Jen Sentarrio, you should!

Rusty Gardner

Rusty Gardner is the Excitive Director of Academic Technology at Florida State College in Jacksonville and a Co-Owner of Jacksonville Marine and Bluewater Marine. Despite having two full-time jobs, he will say he feels like he's retired. That can happen if you love your work. Rusty has many fulfilling relationships in his life; for this, he is incredibly thankful.


Enhancers and Diminishers


Some Days Just Suck